We offer English courses ranging from 2nd grade to AP English. Our teaching methodology develops a connection between students and the material so as to engage them in lesson discussions that will keep students focused and open to new ideas. Based on our experience, where students need the most work is on Critical Reading and Analysis; a main testing area for both the SAT and ACT tests.
It is never too early to start working on improving English skills! No matter what college major or job students plan to pursue, English proficiency and understanding will be a mandatory part of daily life.
For these reasons, our English classes will focus primarily on reading and writing. While vocabulary and grammar will also be integrated into the teaching, disciplined reading comprehension will be practiced throughout our English sessions.
We believe that the best way for students to really improve on their writing abilities is repeated drafts. Our teachers will provide detailed feedback to students on their writing pieces and then students will be asked to rewrite those pieces based on that feedback.